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Results of our work

We are proud of our usefulness in various business situations of our Customers and participation in successful investment projects, as well as avoidance of ill-considered expenses and investments.
At the same time, we recognize that the main authors of success are competent top managers who formulated adequate tasks and skillfully used the information provided by the Industrial Information Agency.
The confidentiality or incompleteness of many projects does not allow them to be disclosed, but on a number of interesting cases with our participation, we will allow you to provide some details.
Market research of heating systems for Rosnano

Market research of heating systems for Rosnano

Industrial Information Agency Information won the public tender and conducted a relevant study, which covered the current situation in the market of warm floors and a medium-term forecast for the development of market capacity in physical and monetary terms.
Predicted Xylitol Market Risk Has Worked

Predicted Xylitol Market Risk Has Worked

In 2007, a Russian businessman who owns a logging company turned to  Industrial Information Agency to test the investment idea of organizing the production of xylitol from birch sawdust and to conduct a study of the Russian and world market.
Plans for setting up isocyanate production in Russia

Plans for setting up isocyanate production in Russia

In 2006, the management of the Sverdlov Plant, taking into account the availability of nitrobenzene, became interested in the prospects of the isocyanate market. 

After careful selection of contractors, the Industrial Information Agency was chosen.

The project of creating the production of ion-exchange resins

The project of creating the production of ion-exchange resins

Ion exchange resins are used to exclude mineral salts from water and steam, which prevent deposits in boilers, on turbine blades  and other power equipment. Other areas of application for ion exchange resins include the treatment of water in the food and pharmaceutical industries,  extraction of gold and uranium compounds from ores.