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Analysis of potential directions of development of the designed gas-chemical complex


Дата разработки: 25.09.2019

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Analysis of potential directions of development of the designed gas-chemical complex

Analysis of potential directions of development of the designed gas-chemical complex
Purpose of the project: Analysis of potential directions for the development of a new gas-chemical complex, justification of the feasibility of carrying out a gas pipeline to the construction area of ​​the gas chemical complex.
The study is a marketing part of the feasibility study.
Research products:
  • polypropylene;
  • PVC;
  • polyethylene;
  • propylene glycol;
  • urea;
  • methanol;
  • liquefied natural gas (LNG);
  • compressed natural gas (CNG);
  • trunk natural gas.
Research stages:
1. The selection of the most promising gas chemistry products that are recommended to be carried out within the framework of the planned gas chemical complex.
The selection was carried out by express market analysis of the main gas chemistry products:
  • analysis of market scale;
  • analysis of competition level;
  • analysis of import potential;
  • analysis of export potential.
2. Detailed marketing research of the Russian and global market of selected target products:
  • Dynamics and structure of production, forecast;
  • Export potential;
  • Dynamics and structure of consumption by main consuming sectors, forecast;
  • Dynamics and structure of international trade, forecast for the largest countries-net consumers.
3. Benchmarking of selected products manufacture, including:
  • basic production technologies;
  • the scale of the existing and planned production volumes of target products;
  • activities description of the world gas chemical complexes.
4. Recommendations for the new gas and chemical complex by each target product:
  • recommended production volumes of target products;
  • the main sales directions of the selected products based on market conditions and the location of the new gas chemical complex (volume / country);
  • Estimated export prices of products from the new gas chemical complex (Netback pricing).
5. Choosing a site for the new gas chemical complex
6. The study of the prerequisites and prospects for the development of gas chemical industries at selected sites:
  • raw materials for the development of gas chemical industries;
  • availability and condition of infrastructure for the development of gas chemical industries, including the gas transportation system;
  • identification of key growth points for the gas chemical industry, taking into account the availability of technology;
  • assessment of investment conditions for the creation of gas chemical industries;
  • SWOT analysis of the prospects for the development of gas chemical industries;
  • assessment of the need for electric and thermal power of gas chemistry facilities.
7. The markets for trunk natural gas, LNG and CNG in the area of ​​the gas chemical complex construction were also studied.
These estimates made it possible to justify how much gas is needed to fully cover the region’s natural gas needs, including the construction of a gas and chemical complex and meeting the gas demand of production sites and the public. The identified volumes made it possible to further substantiate the need for the construction of a gas pipeline to the gas chemical complex and beyond.
  • Assessment of consumption volumes of trunk natural gas to ensure production sites of the region and the population as part of the appraisal of the feasibility of building a gas pipeline;
  • Assessment of LNG consumption in the framework of LNG plant construction. Analysis of export potential.
  • Estimation of CNG consumption volumes at the region’s CNG filling stations.
File name: API-1976