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Small -tonnage market research


Дата разработки: 05.11.2020

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Small -tonnage market research

1. Production of wear-resistant metallic products-low-tomb castings:
1.1 manufacturers of wear -resistant low -tonnage casting
1.2 volumes of production of wear -resistant low -tonnage casting in natural and monetary terms
1.3 Distribution of demand for demand segments
1.4 Assessment of the share of intra -factory supplies of low -tonnage casting
2. Import of wear-resistant metal-low-light metal products:
2.1 volume of imports of wear -resistant low -tonnage casting
2.2 The level of imported prices in 2017–2019. By product categories
3. The precedent prices of the purchase of wear -resistant low -tonnage casting based on the analysis of public tenders.
4. Evaluation of the capacity of the market for wear -resistant low -tonnage casting in the most promising segments (without the allocation of primary and secondary markets, without export accounting).
File name: ТЗ-2020-388