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Comprehensive market research

The results of marketing research provide answers to the main questions that are of interest to most Customers:
  • How promising is the market for this product?
  • What is the market size for this product now and in the future?
  • How much can a new manufacturer sell on the market?
  • What types of products are most in demand on the market?
  • Which companies will you have to compete with?
  • What is the price level for the products of the main players?
  • Who are the most significant consumers?
  • How many products does each of the main consumers buy and what quality?
  • What are the risks of entering the market?
Depending on the tasks and situation of the Customer, we conduct various types of marketing research, which differ in depth and methods.
The most detailed is full-scale marketing research, which is carried out in the case when the Customer is already a participant in this market, or has made a positive decision to enter the market.
When the Customer only evaluates the feasibility of becoming a market participant, a pre-investment marketing research is carried out, the key issue of which is to study the prospects of the market, taking into account the volume of potential sales.

Unlike B2C market research (end-consumers — individuals), when conducting marketing research of B2B markets (end-consumers — companies), it is impossible to quickly estimate market volumes through the number of residents and their sample survey.
When conducting marketing research of B2B markets, we always take into account the features of products, identify and study in detail all the key players, taking into account the accumulated experience in using special methods and sources
This allows us to provide the Customer with the most accurate information about the market as soon as possible.

As a result of all work, the Customer receives an analytical report of a predetermined content (the final content of the marketing research is formed before the start of work in the process of discussing the terms of reference).
The preliminary content of a full-scale marketing research is based on the format of the requirements of banks (Vnesheconombank, Sberbank, etc.), the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Industrial Development Fund, Rosnano and other development institutions.

Contents of a full-scale market research

1. Introductory Section
1.1. Terms used and conversion factors
1.2. Goals and objectives of marketing research
1.3. Brief description of the project
2. General information about the products of the Project by commodity nomenclature
2.1. Description of the Project's products with indication of technical and consumer characteristics
2.2. Availability of substitute products
2.3. Application of the Project's products in target markets. Analysis of current and potential areas of application of the Project products (by segments of consumption)
2.4. A brief description of the production chain for the creation of the Project's products and the main technological processes
2.5. The main raw materials for the production of the Project products by type
3. Target market for the Project products: Russian Federation
3.1. Analysis of the supply on the market of the Project's products
3.1.1. Russian production
  • Identification and analysis of leading Russian manufacturers (production volume, load level, main types of products, development plans, export deliveries)
  • Dynamics of Russian production over the historical period
3.1.2. Export and import (assessment of import substitution potential)
  • Identification and analysis of export and import deliveries of the Project's products to the Russian market (structure of deliveries by manufacturers, recipients, main types of supplied products)
  • Dynamics and structure of export-import over the historical period
3.2. Analysis of the demand in the project product market
3.2.1. Dynamics of demand for the Project's products over the historical period, indicating the largest countries and consumer companies
3.2.2. Analysis of the main buyers in the market of the Project products (volumes of consumption, types of consumed products of the project, plans to change the volume of purchases, the level of interest in cooperation with a new manufacturer)
3.3. Market Concentration Indicators
3.4. Analysis of prices for the Project products
3.4.1. Description of pricing mechanisms for the Project products
3.4.2. Analysis of the historical and forecast price dynamics for the Project products
3.4.3. Comparative analysis of the average level of market prices for the Project products with the prices for the Project products. Assessment of the relevance and competitiveness of prices for project products
3.4.4. Barriers to entry into the industry (restrictions on access to key resources, restrictions on the scale of production, etc.)
3.5. Degree of state regulation of the Project product market
3.6. A brief overview of the market for the main substitute products of the Project, including a forecast for the development of the market for substitute products of the Project
3.7. Description of the main traders in the market of the Project products
3.8. Factors affecting the development of the Project product market in the Russian Federation (technological, macro- and microeconomic drivers, government regulation, certification, environmental legislation requirements, etc.)
3.9. Forecast of the development of the market for the Project's products for 10 years ahead
4. General information about the global market of the Project products and the market of the CIS countries
4.1. Dynamics of the global market for the Project's products over the historical period
4.2. The main importing and exporting countries of the Project products for the historical period
4.3. Main manufacturing companies (scale of activity, assortment)
4.4. Trends and forecast for the development of the global market for the Project's products for 10 years
4.5. Russia's share in the world market
4.6. Assessing the potential for increasing export deliveries
4.7. Promising export directions (countries, terms of delivery, certification, etc.)
5. Competition in the Project's product market in the Russian Federation, as well as potential export markets
5.1. Analysis of the level of competition in the industry (the scheme of the "five forces of competition" by M. Porter)
5.2. Description of the main direct competitors (types of manufactured products, production capacities, production / sales volumes over the past 5 years, market share (global, by countries and regions where the project products are present), production technologies used, level of production capacity utilization, capacity expansion / modernization programs)
5.3. Comparative analysis of the Project and competing companies (price, quality, production technology, delivery logistics, etc.)
5.4. Assessing the likelihood of new competitors appearing, determining their competitive advantages
6. Analysis of the Project strategy, as well as the risks of its implementation
6.1. Forecast dynamics of the production of the Project for a period of 10 years, the geographical structure of production, key changes and trends, existing production capacities and the forecast for their expansion / reduction
6.2. Estimation of forecast volumes, structure, share of deliveries of the Project's products to target markets (by regions, in physical and value terms)
6.3. Analysis of potential buyers (customer base): manufactured products, financial results for the last 3 years, consumption volumes of project products, types of project products consumed
6.4. Main sales channels and sales promotion methods
6.5. Assessment of the impact of seasonality on the sale of the Project's products
6.6. Analysis of the planned logistics solutions for the transportation of finished products (modes of transport, terms of delivery, tariffs)
6.7. Conducting a scenario analysis (optimistic / baseline / pessimistic) indicating  forecast data of key indicators (sales volume, product price, capacity utilization) in relation to various macroeconomic conditions (with an explanation of how these trends are reflected in the above scenarios)
6.8. Analysis of the impact of international sanctions and the economic crisis in the Russian Federation on the volume of exports of products
6.9. Classification and analysis of key marketing risks of the Project, expert assessment of the probability of occurrence of key risks
6.10. Analysis of the impact of state support measures (if applicable)
7. Conclusions and recommendations
7.1. Assessment of sales potential in terms of market volumes and price levels
7.2. Analysis of the economic indicators of the Project in order to confirm / refute the initial data used in the financial model of the Project (volumes, prices)
7.3. The most promising types of products
7.4. The most promising target market segments
7.5. The most promising sales directions (regions, countries)
7.6. Recommendations for adjusting the operating plan (if applicable)

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